Harry Potter Cake

Happy Harry Potter Day!
I have been looking forward to and dreading this day since the release of the last book way back in 2007. I, like the majority of the population, am a bonafide Harry Potter-o-holic. I even follow Lord Voldemort on Twitter.
I didn’t start off a Harry fanatic. About eight years ago I was 21 and I had just started dating my husband. At the time his little sister was 11 and she was obsessed with Harry Potter. She even dressed up like him for Halloween, twice. Later that year I studied abroad in Mexico and my roommate was also obsessed with Harry Potter. We would hit up the CinaMex (that’s really what they called them) every Wednesday because college students got in for $1 and the movies were all in English and had Spanish subtitles. You could also get salsa to dip your popcorn in. I did not partake of this treat. It was our quick little fix of America to get us through the long bouts of homesickness. While we were there, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was released and she insisted that I go with her. I also loved that they called the movie Harry Pooter y el Prisioner de Azkaban. To this day I still call him Harry Pooter. It brings back fond memories and well…I am five. I was hooked from that day on and as soon as I returned I bought all the books and watched the first and second movies. Finally my sister-in-law (to-be) thought I was awesome.
There is no better way to celebrate today than to show off this AMAZING Harry Potter-themed cake that I found. The cake was created by the Sugar Diva Beryl Byrd. You can check out her Flickr stream of other awesome cakes right here. Hopefully you will be seeing many more of her cakes in the future. Back to the cake at hand. This cake is obviously a replica of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It sits on top of many important books such as The Official Quidditch Handbook and of course Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. If you look closely you can see other very important Harry items such as the official Gryffindor scarf, Harry’s glasses, the golden snitch, and his magic wand with that identical phoenix tail feather. You may have heard some kind of rumor but only one of them can live…the other must die. So I hope you are out there today getting your Harry Potter on.
As you would say in Mexico, el pastel is demasiado. I think…I wasn’t very good at Spanish. I spent all my time at the movies.
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This cake is amazing! And don’t worry I didn’t jump on the Harry Potter bandwagon until 2 years ago when I first saw one of the movies while I was babysitting
Now I’m slightly obsessed! 
I am glad I’m not the only one who didn’t catch on until later in the game! I am so sad to see this last movie though!
oh dear putting my Harry potter cupcakes to shame! :p
I know..it’s an amazing cake isn’t it?!