Sixlet Cake

Here are things I like in no particular order:
1. Cake
2. Chocolate Covered Candy
3. Cakes covered in Chocolate Covered Candy
Oh my…have my dreams come true? Yes, yes I think they have. Oh wait a second…is that a double…no, triple height tier? Yes, yes I think it is. I’m kind of amazed. While this cake truly screams BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! I think with a change up in Sixlet colors and sprinkles this could make an awesome wedding cake. I have to admit I wasn’t sure what Sixlets were exactly but according to Heather at Sprinkle Bakes they are basically round M&M’s that come in a bunch of fun colors. I also can’t imagine the steady hand that put all those Sixlets on there. Seriously, hand cramps much?
This cake was made by Sprinkle Bakes. Check out her sugary goodness blog here and if this blog looks familiar it’s because we featured her Cotton Candy Cake last month. Candy Covered Cake and a Cotton Candy Cake….I think Heather is a girl after my own heart.
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