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Fun Wedding Favors – Vintage Typewriter Favor Boxes

typewriter boxes

Let me just put this out there right now – I love these favor boxes!

In this age of computers, smartphones, and tablets I will freely admit that I still love a vintage typewriter. There’s something so romantic about them – maybe because they are a reminder of how couples used to write love letters. Or some romantic notion like that.

Whatever the reason, I would LOVE to see one of these favor boxes at my place setting during a reception. The boxes come with small note cards (which resemble paper) and you can write each guest’s name on the card and place it in the typewriter. So much fun!

And you can fill the boxes with any sort of candy – I would love to see them filled with conversation hearts. Why? Because it’s candy with words! Now that would be fun.

These boxes would be great at a vintage-themed wedding or at a wedding of two writers. There are so many possibilities!

You can find these vintage and totally fun favor boxes here.

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