For the Guys: Waffle Cake, Anyone?

On Saturdays, I always wake up craving those big, country boy, farmhand breakfasts. I am neither a boy, nor do I live on a farm, so I’m not sure why my body things I need that many calories. Nevertheless.
Doesn’t this groom’s cake just look scrumptious? I would LOVE to know what flavors are under that impeccably dimpled and browned fondant, because if I saw this cake, I would INSTANTLY be craving waffles. And bacon. And sausage. Which brings me to another point…I’m really surprised that this groom’s cake didn’t come with a side of bacon.
This guy clearly either makes breakfast for a living, or adores the most important meal of the day. Either way, his groom’s cake is pretty cool. The cake was made by Maxie B’s in Greensboro, North Carolina.
What do you think of other-food-shaped groom’s cakes? And I’m thinking of making Saturday “Groom’s Cake Saturday.” Thoughts?
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