Valentine’s Day Cake Pops

Happy Valentine’s Day!
I love Valentine’s Day..I always have. Even when I was a kid I would always through a Valentine’s Day themed party. I considered it my right since my birthday was in August and my friends were almost always on vacation that week. My birthday parties were usually small..but my Valentine’s Day parties..well they were legendary. They are still spoken about in hushed, reverent tones..
In honor of this day of love you know I was going to bust out a heart shaped SOMETHING didn’t you? Of course I was.
Heart Cake Pops! We’ve talked about Cake-Pops before on AWCB. And since then I have noticed that like cupcakes, CakePop’s are beginning to become a force on the wedding desert front. These CakePops are covered with a White Chocolate icing and a sweet little red heart on the top. They make an adorable Valentine’s Day treat or they could be used for a wedding anytime.
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