A green cake..for St. Patrick..

Top ‘o the mornin! Erin go braugh! Eat yer Lucky Charms!
As you can tell by my greetings it must be St. Patrick’s Day. So pull up your potatoes and let’s have a green beer & talk cake shall we?
I must admit..I searched high and low for a St. Patrick’s Day themed wedding cake. Wouldn’t you know that St. Patrick’s Day themed weddings are not entirely popular? By the way, if you’ve had one please e-mail me pictures for SPD ’12. Thanks.
The best I could come up with was this lovely green(ish yellow) cake. While it may not scream “St. Patrick’s Day” it does fit in with the theme I am going with here and will allow me not to get e-pinched..right? A green wedding cake is hard to pull off..but I love the way this cake looks! The icing is a cool yellow-green and topped with a gorgeous flower. To me the flower almost looks edible. I can’t be sure but a girl can dream. The cool thing about this cake is that it is a smaller sized version of a much larger layered cake. Check out the rest of the Flickr Photo Stream to see the picture cake!
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