Read More: jello, jello wedding cake, lego bride and groom, lego cake topper
There a little jiggle…

Keeping with the theme of non-traditional wedding cakes….
Further proof that a wedding cake..does not have to be limited to just cake. I introduce to you a “cake” that Bill Cosby himself would approve of. The Jello Wedding Cake.
Oh yes. Perhaps even slightly more eccentric than the Cheese Wedding Cake I featured last month.
From afar it looks like a real three tiered cake..but upon closer inspection you can see that this is actually a three tiered jello mold! They also did a different flavor for each layer. And then they topped this bad boy off with a Lego Bride and groom.
I don’t know..which would you prefer..a Jello or a Cheese Wedding cake? I’m torn.
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