Rice Krispy Cake Part Two

Here’s a conundrum I am having. Perhaps you English majors out there could help me. I know the brand is “Rice Krispies” but if I use it describing a cake does it become Rice Krispy or Rice Krispie? OR, do I leave it as Rice Krispies Cake because technically there is more than one krispie involved in this bad boy. If only I knew how to insert a poll on the blog. Dilemma.
Anyway, on with what we are here for. Wedding Cake. More specifically a brand spanking new version of the amazing Rice Krispy/Krispie/Krispies cake that I featured last month. Only this cake is more official since it comes from the Rice Krispies recipe website! And bonus, it has a recipe so you can attempt to tackle the Rice Krispie wedding cake yourself. You can check out the recipe and picture here. I wonder how many boxes 57 cups of Rice Krispies would be?
Personally, these cakes are amazing and if I attended a wedding or shower where one of these was the cake I would probably ninja kick anyone who got in my way. How do you feel about this as a wedding cake alternative? Also, I think I’ve been saying and typing the word Krispy/Krispie too much because it’s starting to look and sound really weird to me. Don’t you hate when that happens?
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