Chrysanthemum Wedding Cake

This cake might be called the “chrysanthemum wedding cake” but in my humble opinion it looks more like something the Snow Queen created.
I love the dramatic spikes on this cake – it's just so stunning.
The three tiers of this cake are accented by spiky petals created by stark white meringue and the effect is incredible. No other embellishment is needed on this cake – it's just so breathtaking on its own.
Imagine this cake at your winter-themed wedding. Your guests would be ooh-ing and ahh-ing at the cake table. And sure, it's supposed to be inspired by a flower but as I sit here watching the snowflakes swirl I think the cake looks like it was inspired by a snowflake.
And it's not just the petals that were created with the meringue – the cake is also iced with it!
I found this cake here, and if you're looking for a do-it-yourself kind of cake, you can get the recipe for the cake and its Italian meringue here.