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Cake Topper Friday: Cheeky Bride Cake Topper

I think I love this one because I sooooo kinda did this once. Well. After it was done to me
Not at my wedding, though. At my senior prom. We were having pics taken in this serene little arbor, and you can totally tell the ones where he has his hand on my hiney, and then I get him back. The smiles pretty much tell the tale, if you knew what was going on. (And no one did but us. Well. And now y’all. Don’t tell our moms, k?)
So yeah, this is adorable. A cute little saucy gesture for the couple that just joined their lives together (hopefully) forever.
Go head. Get this one. Scandalize your grandmother. Check that. She’ll probably give you a wink and tell you she did the same thing.
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