The ‘Oh! But February Is Not Over Yet!’ Cake

Celebrate your love – with gummies! Yes!
How did I miss this cake on Valentine’s Day? Well, we’ll excuse me, and claim poetic license – or what have you – and say that we can still celebrate Valentine’s Day, because it’s still February.
Look at this cake! Will you just look at it? Resplendent with beautiful, translucent, gummy hearts. It speaks to love and whimsy. It speaks to a bold aesthetic, and a bride and groom that say, we know they’re gummies. But that’s what we want, and dadgummit (!) it’s our wedding, and that’s what we’re having!
And…it works. It works because the cake is impeccably put together. Not a bubble in the fondant. Not a spot on the ribbon. Perfectly aligned. Perfectly executed.
We applaud the person who came up with it, and the person who put it together. Most of all, we hope that you enjoyed this cake. We’re pretty sure that any reception that featured this much candy was super fun.
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