Egads, It’s a Cake by Martha Stewart!

I have honestly been waiting to do two things on this blog since we started in December.
- Say ‘egads,” and
- Feature a cake by the goddess of weddings, Martha Stewart.
Today my dreams come true..because LOOK! It’s a Martha Stewart Wedding Cake! Oh but wait…it gets better. Because you know that Martha does not whip up a wedding cake for just an old wedding reception held in your church’s community hall. Oh, no ma’am. She saves them for the creme de la cremeof receptions. And this reception is one of the creme de la cremiest that I have ever seen. That beautiful backdrop is The Plaza Hotel in New York City. Ok…so technically this photo isn’t exactly of a Wedding Reception, but Martha Stewart Weddings 15th Anniversary Gala. (Gala= fancy word for party).
Just take a look at this cake. It is gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. I might possibly be my favorite cake featured on A Wedding Cake Blog to date. It’s modern and classic all at the same time. Classic in its shape with a four tiered square design, and modern in its color combination of light brown and light blue. “Cappuccino” and “Robin’s Egg” if you will. Something about it being elevated on its own private balcony has me hoping that Patrick Swayze stopped by and announced that “no one puts Baby in a corner” before whisking it off, holding it high above his head for all to see.
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