Chocolate Raspberry Layer Cake

Is it fair to say that I have chocolate and raspberries on the brain? You can thank my husband and our loyal Facebook readers for this one!
You may have caught on to the fact that this half of the Cake Diva Duo is a reformed baker. Gone are the days that I stress myself out, worrying about brides and contracts and gravity and what the hot, hot Southern sun does to delicate buttercream. I am content now to bake for the pleasure and joy of those that I love, with the occasional show off of gifts and talents for good measure.
The problem with showing off to my husband, though, is that he can do all the same cool stuff that I can do.
Last week was Hubs’ birthday. And so, rather than go for stellar and aesthetics, he went for pure, pleasurable, yum yum, taste. And when I asked you if you wanted the recipe and a picture, I got a resounding, “Yes, please!”
And so, here is Darling Husband’s cake: chocolate mocha layers – made mocha-ey with the edition of four espresso shots – filled with fresh rapsberry filling, and topped off with a crown of chocolate frosting that wanted to be a ganache, sort of.
The cake was a hit. The layers were moist and delicious, and beautifully dark. The filling, because it contained whole, cooked raspberries, paired nicely with the richness of the cake, and brought the sweetness of the other components into balance. The frosting – well. If I were to change anything, it would have been the frosting. Delicious – I mean, dark chocolate, helloooo – but a little grainy. The next time, I’ll make a classic ganache.
I personally think this would make a swell groom’s cake, either as an informal option at a rehearsal dinner, or as part of a sweets table. Do give it a try, though. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. Hubs, is already planning an encore for Father’s Day, and again for our anniversary.
If you’d like to make one for yourself someone you love, here’s a nifty how-to guide, courtesy of Our Life in the Kitchen. (I also used David Lebovitz’s devil’s food cake recipe, because it just can’t be beat.)
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