Cake Topper Friday: Engraved Wood State Cake Topper

There is something about being from South Carolina that makes people scream with pride. No really–have you driven through South Carolina on I-95 before and seen an annoyingly high amount of Palmetto Tree paraphernalia on the backs of our cars? We might not have the smartest kids (or beauty queens) and we may not have the fanciest buildings but we sure are proud of our beautiful beaches and the illustrious Palmetto Tree.
That’s why when I saw this cake topper by Braggin’ BagsI knew it was my next feature for Cake Topper Friday. Now I know this picture is of Georgia, our friendly neighbor to the south, but you can pick any of the continental United States when you purchase your cake topper. These toppers are made from wood and engraved with you and your spouse-to-be’s initial. Although, Morgann Hill, the artist behind Braggin’ Bags, claims to love custom orders so I am pretty sure you could have this topper personalized which ever way you would like. Her orders are all custom and take a few weeks to create. She even includes a certificate of authenticity for each item. I think one of the best parts is the price. Less than 25 dollars for an adorable personalized cake topper? My friends, I’ve never seen ’em so affordable. Of course, if state pride isn’t your thing she does offer a wide range personalized items–and not just cake toppers either!
You can check out the Braggin Bags shop by clicking here. To see the personalized state topper listing you can click here.
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