Cake Topper Friday: Marzipan Cherries

I have a confession: by and large, I’m not a big fan of wedding cake toppers. Blame it on my age…but never was I so glad to see an era come to an end, than the one that involved tiny Greek columns and people perched on wedding cakes.
Nowadays, though, we’re seeing all kinds of things atop cakes, from action figures, to bling, back to flowers, forward to bunting, and many, many “humorous” renditions of brides and grooms. (You know the type…the bride dragging the groom back to the cake as he tries to escape.) But here’s an idea. Rather than topping your cake with statuary, how about an edible topper made of one of the world’s yummiest treats?
That’s right, boys and girls. I’m talkin’ bout marzipan!
An old world confection made of almonds and lots of sugar, this flavorful paste is traditionally made into shapes – fruit is a big fave – and decorated to look crazy life-like. Wendy Kromer makes lovely sets of marzipan cherries to order, just for your cake. And I totally think you should get these. And invite me to your wedding. Martha Stewart is a fan. And hey – would Martha ever steer you wrong?
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