New Year’s Cake..sort of.

So I’m wrapping up Christmas Cake Week 2011 today with this very non-Christmas cake. I know what you must be thinking. This cake has nothing to do with Christmas..Winter or even really New Years. I’m thinking a little outside of the box here so just roll with it. Focusing on the new year is all about time. Minutes, days and months pass and then a new year begins. I could get all existential here and post the question, “What is time really?” but I won’t because existential people bug me. With New Years Eve falling on a Saturday this year I imagine there will be a few New Years Eve weddings happening around the world this Saturday.
This clock cake was made by Mike’s Amazing Cakes. Check out the website and you will see that Mike is truly a cake artist.
I hope that you enjoyed Christmas Cake Week(s) 2011! Tomorrow I will be posting a run down of my favorite cakes that we featured in 2011. Come back and tell me your favorites!
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