Charlotte Wedding Cake

Today’s cake is for the lover of rustic or DIY: the Charlotte Wedding Cake.
Sometimes in the dead of summer (like, you know, now), simpler just seems better, yes? Sure, ornate cakes with a ton of detail and many man hours will elicit the obiligatory “WOW!” from our guests, and that is all well and good. But I for one find myself trying to simplify when it’s so hot, especially when it comes to entertaining, and particularly when the dessert course rolls around.
If this sums up your philosophy as well, then I bet you LOVE today’s cake just as much as I do, this rustic and beautiful summer berry charlotte. What do I love most about it? Its imperfection. It’s just the teensiest bit wonky, with its slightly imperfect ladyfingers. I also dig the bounty of berries that aren’t encased in any goopy apricot jam (although perhaps that’s unfair…I love a good fruit tart as much as the next girl.) But this just says “fresh” and “light” and “I could make this and it’s supposed to be just exactly like this.”
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