Apple Wedding Cake Redux

This is one of my all-time favorite cakes that I’ve featured. Why am I providing you with a re-run today, you ask? A couple of reasons:
1. A cake loved should be shared more than once.
2. We will never forget.
So today, although I will not dwell on what September 11 has come to mean to Americans as well as others around the world, I do offer you this apple cake in homage to the Big Apple, where our grief was first centered on that day. But I also offer it to you to remind us all to celebrate life and hope and the promise of the future. After all, what else is a wedding about? It’s icing that it also happens to be a beautiful depiction of a fall theme, a time that has come to signal new year and new beginnings to many of us.
If you’d like to see my original post featuring this beautiful cake, you can see it here. It’s quite a sweet story, and the wedding itself was beautiful.
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