Petits Fours For a Wedding

I heart petits fours in the biggest, old-fashioned way imaginable.
They’re so darling and so delicious, and you can look at their meticulousness and just tell that they took oodles of time and care to put together. I love them so much that they keep being featured at my big events, like my wedding shower (and later at my baby showers – both of them!)
Had it occurred to me all those years ago, I think I’d have gone this route for my wedding cake too.
So the petits fours here – a little non-traditional actually, with no fondant glaze, so their layers show – are darling. But what made me swoon about this display is the over sized petit four at the top, which serves as a cutting cake. So. So. CUTE.
We don’t know who made this beautiful display with lovely fresh green accents, but they did a great job. And your favorite baker probably will, too.
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