For the Guys: Bride and Groom Cakes

A couple weeks ago, I featured a tuxedo groom’s cake, and got lots of great feedback on it. Well, it was pretty cute.
Well, this one caught my eye, too. Aren’t they darling?
I know, they’re a simple approach. But they’re straightfoward and to-the-point, and I guarantee their precious adorableness brought a smile to the faces of the guests at this wedding.
The wedding, or “bride” cake, is just beautiful and classic. The lovely nosegay on top, the brooch and ribbon trim and trailing rose petals speak to my romantic heart. The tuxedo groom’s cake is well-executed, and such a nice simple foil to the pretty wedding cake. And isn’t the boutonniere darling?
We spied these cakes on Pinterest, but they are the lovely work of Beancounter Bakery in Massachusetts.
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