Another “Cheese” Cake – Plus a Really Great Silhouette Topper

We have featured a “cheese” cake – or two (or three.) But this one is my favorite by far.
Hmmm…what makes it so awesome? Well, for starts, the professional photography and styling don’t hurt. And the silhouette cake toppers are uber adorable. But also, the cheeses look particularly wonderful and special — and shouldn’t wedding cheese be special? The little tags telling the varieties are a nice touch as well (and I’m a sucker for pretty typeface.) And the cut figs are oh-so sexy and indulgent and…and…whew! I need a minute.
If I took issue with anything, it would be the ivy. It’s super poisonous, so it really shouldn’t trim food (although I used it once on a cake – I didn’t know of its toxicity – and thankfully, no one died.) Here’s hoping that this variegated variety is silk.
But still…this is gorgeous. And now I’m hungry.
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