Another Cheese. Cake.

You read that right. It’s another cheese period cake period.
When we first posted this back in December I thought it would be the only one we’d ever see. Then the very next month I found this cake, and I had to face the SHOCKING revelation that not all people like cake. Who knew?
Well here we are, almost six months later, and I have found yet another cake made entirely of cheese. Is it just me or do they get more gorgeous every time we find a new one? The next one we find will be like the Taj Mahal of Cheese. Cake. Not to be confused with cheesecake, which rocks my socks right off. Unlike its other cheesy counterparts, this cake actually resembles a true wedding cake. Its four tiers offer a different variety of different cheeses and it is surrounded by gorgeous and yummy fruit. Oh my my. If I didn’t like cake so much I’d be in heaven.
Which brings me to this question. How would you feel if you went to a wedding and, in lieu of the traditional cake, they had a lovely cake made of cheese? Would you accept it and move on or throw a tantrum right there in the middle of the wedding and be forever known as that girl (or guy) who threw the tantrum over cheese?
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[…] The next option doesn’t travel too far from the Cheesecake. In fact it has the same name. It’s the Cheese Cake. Or the Cheese Pause Cake as I like to call it. So far we’ve featured three on this blog and that is three more than I ever could have imagined. The Cheese Pause Cake usually consist of placing various wheels of cheese on a gorgeous cake stand and serving with fruit. This is even an option that could be done during the cocktail hour of a wedding and you could still have a traditional cake. Check out this gorgeous cake that we featured last month. […]