Fun Wedding Favors – Evergreen Tree Seedling

Since we just celebrated Earth Day I thought it would be nice to feature a fun wedding favor that was also good for the environment.
Imagine my surprise when I found this fun, fantastic, and totally functional Evergreen Tree Seedling favor!
This is the perfect wedding favor for an outdoor wedding, a “green” wedding, and even a springtime wedding. It would also be great if you’re having a “rustic” themed wedding.
The seedlings are each wrapped in a burlap bag and each seedling also features a personalized tag. The front of the tag can feature your names and wedding date while the bag of the tag includes planting instructions (plant within two weeks in a sunny area).
Your guests will love this green favor and you’ll be helping the environment too. And, it will be fun to see how the trees grow over the years.
You can find these Evergreen Tree Seedling favors here.