Seashell Cascade Wedding Cake with Sandcastle Caketopper

Whew! That was a mouth full. But how else was I gonna say it?
I have been lamenting myself right into a fall funk. Ya see, if I don't get myself outta the Sunshine State and to parts Northern (but still south of the Mason-Dixon line) this time of year, I get a little wistful. Um K…a LOT wistful.
So what's a girl to do to shake off the autumn blues? Yep…you guessed. Head to the beach. That's what I did this weekend, and that's what I'm doing for you today!
I adore this cake. I actually found it on Pinterest, but with a wee bit of sleuthing, I located a bunch more pictures and a description of the Flickr stream of the cake's makers, SpoolSisters. Check it out, especially the little “secret” on the back of the cake, meant to be a delightful and sweet surprise for the bride and groom.
But seriously…this is fabulous! It's the whole seashell thing, but…uber. Or to the tenth degree. I love how the shells are in a straight line, and look as though they're tumbling down the cake. The caketopper, while not edible, is positively perfect. And the pièce de résistance is the “sand” scattered all over the cake. I especially love how it camouflages the humdrum cakeboard.
So…you may have your glorious autumn leaves, but I have my beach. And for today, I'm ok with it.