On the Wings of Love — A Tattoo Wedding Cake

Do you remember the not-so-long ago season of The Bachelor featuring Jake Pavelka? You know..that awfully good old boy from Texas who swooned us all with his “yes ma’ams”, dashing good looks and a killer smile? I remember this because I spent the entire season SCREAMING at the television because homeboy made all the wrong choices when it came to women and the ended up picking, like, the WORST woman in the house.
Then come to find out less than a year later it’s actually Jake Pavelka who puts on quiet a show for the camera and is actually a giant turd in real life. I watched the show so much (two hours a week for ten weeks…thankyouverymuch), and since the good ol’ boy was a airplane pilot they decided that the 80’s song “On the Wings of Love” by Jeffery Osborne was the appropriate theme song for the show. They played it over..and over..and over again.
Anyway, this cake reminds me of that song. Yes, I know that was a long way to go just to get to this point. Actually, this cake is very special because it is another FAKE cake. Yup, I’m going there again. This cake just blows me away! It’s officially called the Winged Heart made by Cakes Confidential. Although, I think I am going to petition for a name change from Winged Heart to On the Wings of Love. Maybe if Jake Pavelka ever does get married he could use this cake!?! Someone contact his agent! Quick!
But back to these cakes and the fakeness of them. Anya Skwarek is the founder of Cakes Confidential and came up with the idea when she was helping to plan her friend’s wedding. Like most brides-to-be, they were frustrated by the high cost of wedding cakes — and that was just the cake! Don’t forget the cutting fee charged by most caterers. Fake cakes are a budget friendly way to have a gorgeous wedding cake that would make Martha Stewart proud…and this cake is flawless (I have studied this picture long and hard, and I cannot even tell that it’s fake!) Great job, CC!
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