Mini Cakes

Last week I was at a wedding shower for an awesome co-worker of mine. I am on the party planning committee and it was a gorgeous party if I do say so myself. While we were chowing down on some delicious Publix cake the bride-to-be was telling us all about her wedding cake to-be. After a long deliberation between cupcakes or fancy cake she decided on Mini-Cakes! A cross between the beautiful fancy cakes so many of us love to oogle over & cupcakes which so many of us drool over. While these are not her cakes (I did make her promise to send me a picture) I thought these mini-cakes were exactly right. I think I have heard of these once or twice before but I’ve never actually seen them at a wedding. These red and white mini-cakes come with their own individual clear box topped with a festive red flower. Something about these cakes makes me think Christmas Winter Wedding..complete with fur stoles and horse drawn carriages trotting off into the snow………ahh…
All in all I think mini-cakes are a pretty creative (and sweet) idea.
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