Champagne Wedding Cake

Some cakes are stunning in their detail. Some are breathtaking in the display of the baker’s skill. And some are flat out…adorable.
This, Ladies and Gentleman, is an adorable cake.
The label adorable is by no means slander. It’s perfect in every detail. Not a wrinkle in the fondant. Not a twinkle out of place in the fountain-y, sparkly, headdress-y cake topper. It really is perfect.
But I use adorable to match the mood. It’s festive and cheerful and, well, just plain fun. I imagine there were corks popping all over this reception hall.
The cake, covered in fondant, is trimmed with champagne-colored gumpaste flowers and matching satin ribbon. The hearts and the stars that eminate from the topper echo the festive spirit, like so many bubbly fireworks. And did you catch the thick blanket of snow outside of the beautifully paned windows? A New Year’s Eve wedding, perhaps?
I don’t know for sure. But I wish that I had been there. Because if the reception was half as fun as this cake is, then a great time was had by all.
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