Cake Topper Friday: Sugar Paste Flower Monogram

We’re seeing lots and lots of monograms of late in connection with weddings…and I, for one, am not complaining. I love, love monograms (which, if you knew me, would not surprise you in the least.)
Lately, though, most of the monograms have been in the form of a placard on the side of the cake – a classic detail that I fall in love with all over again everytime I see it. Another option – the swooshy rhinestone jobby on the top of the cake. Sparkles and pretty. Perfection.
But – ever in search of something new and just a little different – I stumbled upon this beauty this evening, courtesy of Martha Stewart. Atop this sweet cake – perfect to celebrate an end-of-summer wedding – sits the monogram of the newly married couple, done up in what almost appears to be field flowers woven to a willowy frame. No rhinestones. No paint on fondant. No fancy shmancy. Just pretty.
The flowers, which are actually hand-painted sugar paste, are also randomly placed around the three-tiered cake. We think it’s just lovely.
What are your thoughts? How do you like your monogram – nice and tailored? Shiny and sparkly? Or homespun and sweet? Leave a comment and share your opinion.
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