Mount Rainier Wedding Cake

I hope that you enjoyed Ruffle Week 2011. I know that I sure did. Seeing all that ruffly goodness made me proud to be a girl.
As much as I love themed weeks this week we’re back to featuring regular old un-themed wedding cakes. Of course the obvious theme would be Thanksgiving but did you know that Thanksgiving weddings aren’t extremely popular? Therefore, Thanksgiving themed wedding cakes…not so much? Luckily I did find a gem that I will save for Thursday’s post.
Instead let’s post a wedding cake that is modeled after Mt. Rainier in Washington state. Because when you think of Thanksgiving don’t you think of the most dangerous volcano in the United States? Here is a rant. I’ve never been someone who understands people who live near or visits volcanoes. I mean…what if that thing erupts? No thank you. Of course that’s all theoretical though. A tornado could hit my house tomorrow but I’ll still continue to live in South Carolina. So I guess my rant doesn’t really make much sense. All I know is that I can hide in a doorway and probably be okay. I am quiet certain I could not out run hot lava.
I suppose that this bride and groom disagree with me since they chose to feature a Mount Rainier themed wedding cake at their nuptials.
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