Rustic Un-Iced Wedding Cake

I wanted to entitle this one “Naked Cake.” But I didn’t know how Google might handle that.
I look at a LOT of wedding cakes, Dear Readers. So I see a lot of trends. Some trends are, well, trends. Some “trends” are things that start out adorable, but after you’ve seen them twenty times, well…not so much.
The use slices of tree trunk to signal “I am rustic” is starting to kinda fall into that category for me. However, I had to show you this one, because 1) it’s beautiful; and 2) it looks mouthwateringly delicious.
Now, we know that many, many of the cakes we feature here on A Wedding Cake Blog are, in fact, mouthwateringly delicious (or were, anyway.) But how often do you see the proof of it?
There is nothing that I don’t love about this cake, from the symmetry, to the doily, to the coronet of wildflowers, and back down to the drizzle of caramel. And yes, even the slab of tree trunk. Because I have a feeling that in this case it was absolutely perfect for the setting.
How do you feel about naked cakes? Yay or nay? Do you think they’re fancy enough to commemorate your Big Day?
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I adore this cake! And I think it’s a perfect combination with the tree trunk cake stand, which I too am growing tired of seeing all over the internet. I’ve seen several ‘naked cakes’ and find them to have much more ‘character’ (if a cake can have such thing)… and I’m sure they taste 100 times better than any fondant cake. Do you know where this cake was made? I’d like to get more info about what they did for the filling/icing.
Hi Beth! I did run across a photo credit to Meredith Carlson Photography on another site for this cake, after I had scheduled this post. You may want to try reaching out to the photographer for more information. However, on our Facebook page, we asked our other baker friends about doing a similar cake, and it got a big thumbs up! I think any baker who puts a high priority on cake deliciousness would do a terrific job with this style, and offer you tasty fillings that stand up to the spotlight. Good luck! And thanks for reading!
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[…] melt, tastes delicious, and is pretty. Or, you could just skip it! This naked wedding cake from aweddingcakeblog shows how stunningly beautiful an au naturel cake can be. source: Visit […]
does anyone have a recipe for this? My sister wants me to make it for her wedding, and I want to find the right directions
Hi Jesse! I don’t have a recipe, but I believe you could make a stunning version of the cake with either chocolate or spice cake layers (whichever your sister would prefer), a light-colored buttercream, and a caramel drizzle. The beauty of a cake like this is that it doesn’t have to be perfect! Good luck! We’d love to hear how it goes! -Brooke