Read More: brown and white wedding cake, Brown Wedding Cake, coffee wedding cake, martha stewart wedding, mocha wedding cake
Mocha Wedding Cake

Today, I'm all about the coffee.
I may have overslept a bit. The culprit? Cold medicine. Ugh. No hangover ever made me forget to put the milk back in the fridge.
So coffee aplenty is in order this morning, and this cake is the perfect accompaniament.
Do you love coffee? Is your fiance a java fiend? This would make a totally perfect cake for y'all then, I'm thinkin. I think my favorite thing about it is that it doesn't dress up like something else. It's mocha — coffee and chocolate — and it looks the part from the outside. The meringues are simply adorable garnishes, and the whole table, with its “coffee light” tints, is enchanting. Those cups! Sigh.
Find this look on the pages of Martha Stewart.