Crushed Candy Wedding Cake

In my quest to find a wedding cake that was both beautiful and brightly colored, I stumbled upon this lovely confection and just had to share it with you!
It reminds me of this rock candy wedding cake we featured a few years back but I think I like this yellow, sunny cake a little bit more, if only because the color reminds me of sunshine and spring and warm weather.
Admit it – you thought of sunshine as soon as you saw this cake, right?
This lovely creation features five tiers – of varying sizes, I might add which is another reason I love it – and the tiers are iced with buttercream frosting. Simple enough. But then the cake is covered in crushed candy pieces, adding drama and texture to the cake.
One of the best parts about this cake is this – it’s a total DIY project. Which is great if you’re doing a DIY wedding. Or, you could have your baker do it.
All you need to do is purchase your favorite hard candy, something that would look lovely smashed into small pieces and stuck on your wedding cake. Then, crush the candy with a rolling pin in a sealed bag, apply candy to the icing, and viola! Crushed candy wedding cake. Your guests will definitely be wowed by this cake.
You can find this cake idea here.
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