Read More: dark wedding cakes, dramatic wedding cakes, gray wedding cakes, grooms cakes, winter wedding cakes
Dark Wedding Cake

While we’re huge fans of traditional wedding cake with flowers and cake toppers and all that jazz, we do love a dramatic, non-traditional cake.
Like today’s dark and dramatic cake with black icing.
This cake, featuring honeycomb design on the dark icing would be perfect for a winter wedding – or even an early spring wedding.
We love the color of the icing – almost a bluish-black tone with just a slight pop of color thanks to some greens and berries.
You’ll need to have a dramatic color scheme in order for this cake to fit your wedding theme. But the unexpected color will be a lovely centerpiece! It would also work as a groom’s cake, minus the greens and berries.
You can find this dramatic cake here. It was created by Nine Cakes.