Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for October 30, 2011

I’m sorry. Did you say there is snow on your jack o’ lantern? Sounds like I got back from my picturesque jaunt up north just in time.
I jest, though. Truth is, I’d love to see some of the white stuff, and introduce my kiddoes to it as well. True Florida babies, they’ve never seen snow outside of pictures. But, well, it’s just so darn early. I hope, for the sake of my dear friends who are brushing and scraping their windshields, that the October snow isn’t a harbinger of a particularly harsh winter.
So before I continue about the weather, and possibly start spouting poetry, let’s get onto the round up. But of course, we’ll start with The News:
Some difficult news for cash-strapped bridesmaids…yep, you’re still expected to get the happy couple a gift.
And a question: Is it time to slay – or at least maim a bit – the wedding event beast?
Egads! UK country club’s wedding coordinator…steals from couples. Well, that’s not good.
And now for some Sweet and Pretty:
The Austin Wedding Blog lets us know how our engagement ring sales in the US stack up against the rest of the world.
Here’s one from my back yard! Sarah and Wes, at the historic Winterbourne Inn in Orange Park, FL. (pssst. That’s their cake above.) Courtesy of Borrowed and Bleu.
Jenniffer at Cup a Dee Cakes is on a mission of blogger outreach to dead and dying cake blogs. Won’t you join her?
And, a bonus from Jenniffer, because I can’t resist: pumpkin spice cake. Yum! Yum! Yum!
Because I’m in a recipe state of mind, here’s a piece on ganache – because this is information you NEED TO KNOW. From Erica O’Brien.
SERIOUSLY. Cutest. Cakepops. EVER. Halloween ghosties and goblins, by Sweet Cakes by Rebecca.
There’s just something about this one. A Wiltshire Countryside Wedding. Love the lanterns at the end. From Once Wed.
Have a delicious week!
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