Winter Birds Wedding Cake

Did you gasp when you saw this cake? I did! If you didn’t go ahead and take a minute and look at it again. Okay, now you’re gasping.
Simply gorgeous. This cake was made by Brooklyn Cake in..well..Brooklyn of course! The website says this as well and I totally agree but you don’t have to just do red and green or silver and white to have a cake full of holiday cheer! We are moving beyond Santa and Snowflakes this year people. Of course if you’ve been reading our blog from time to time this year you know that birds have literally been the word this year when it comes to weddings (like this one, this one and this one) so this cake has a little bit of holiday cheer combined with a smidgen of modern. Personally, I kind of love the blue and red color combination on this cake. Bonus if you’re from North Carolina the Cardinal is actually your state bird. So you could quiet literally kill two birds with one stone. Yup, that pun was intended.
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