Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for March 13, 2011

We’re dancing an Irish jig, ready to make some soda bread, and we’re looking around to find the brightest and best in weddingdom to bring to you everyday! Here’s hoping that your week brings you lots of four leaf clovers and a pot o’ gold or two. Speaking of gold, here’s what we found to make your life richer this week. First, The News:
Ten top wedding cake designers release sketches of their vision for the Royal Wedding Cake. (In reality, there will be multiple cakes. Details, details.)
Why let a little thing like lung infection stop your wedding? This bride and groom found a way around the isolation chamber he was ordered to: they got married via Skype. (Yay technology!)
And on the other coast, nearly 100 couples meet during Daytona Beach’s 70th Annual Bike Week to get married or renew vows. There was, by this report, a Harley-Davidson wedding cake (of course there was!)
And let’s not forget The Sweet and Pretty:
Geoff White Photography has some stunning pictures of a Harry Potter wedding – I kid you not! Seems the couple met over their mutual love of the boy wizard. Now, that’s a cake I’d LOVE to see…
Raya at Weddingish.com has some lovely examples ofmini-wedding cakes, or cakelets (fun!) and tips on when these mini masterpieces might be appropriate.
Not exactly wedding cakes, but just in case you are looking to spruce up a Marchwedding and rainbows and leprechauns (the non scary type) are your thing – check out this gorgeous display of rainbow cupcakes on Cupcakes Take the Cake, originally from Hoosier Homemade. Qualifies in the “too pretty to eat” category, we think.
Love the idea of a sweets table with lots of different cake stands? But boy, those puppies can get expensive. Enter Cakes on the Side, with a post about DIY Cakestands!
Erica O’Brien wows us again, taking inspiration from fabric flowers, for her spectacular fondant Fabric Flower Cake.
Have a delicious week! –
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