Here is where I died..and went to cupcake heaven

I know we haven’t known each other long, but I think you know by now Christen + cupcakes = love. Therefore it’s not uncommon that you’ll see blog post about my aforementioned love for cupcakes (and my love for words including the word “fore” apparently). I love them all..vanilla, chocolate, old school (vanilla cake & chocolate icing) and any other combo you throw at me. Often times I look back at my own wedding (so long ago in 2006) and I wish that the cupcake wedding cake craze was big back then. Because oh don’t you know there would have been cupcakes for EVERYONE there.
When I stumbled upon this picture of a gorgeous cupcake tower made by the Whipped Bakeshop in Philadelphia I thought this was just another yummy looking display of my favorite food. Oh, I was wrong, I was so very very wrong. Not only are these little beauties cupcakes…they are red velvet cupcakes (which we have already discussed my love for)..and wait..they are Peanut Butter and Jelly cupcakes..and if that didn’t send you into a cupcake coma wait for this. THEY ARE S’MORES CUPCAKES..and the marshmallows are roasted on site. BOOM!
Whipped Bakeshop..a tip of my hat to you..because you made my day.
Visit the Whipped Bakeshop here: and try not too drool to much on your keyboard. That’s gross.
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[…] think I have expressed once, or twice…or perhaps even three times my love for cupcakes. Apparently, this cupcake combo […]