whipped bakeshop
Tartan Cake, Part Two

Remember a few months ago when Brooke admitted her deepest darkest secret about her love of all things plaid and we all just nodded and smiled and hoped the men in white coats would be nice to her? Well Brooke, and other plaid lovers, this cake is for you.
Another spin on a tartan inspired cake made by the Whipped Bakeshop in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I love how this cake takes the time honored tradition of a family tartan and combines it with a clean and modern crisp Read More
If I was Kate Middleton..

I reserve the right to file this post away under “In Christen’s Wildest Dreams”.
Blog Confession. Sometimes I pretend I am the Wedding Planner for the Royal Wedding & I think about what I would suggest to Kate and Will. Because that’s what I call them because we are close and best friends. We are also going to go skiing in the Alps in the late winter. You know after all the commotion of the wedding dies down. The husband and Will get along smashingly and drink pints and talk about futball while Kate and I talk wedding. I don’t even make them Read More
Oh my ganache!

Does anyone else have the strong desire to just whip out your finger and dig it right into this cake until your knuckle deep in chocolate ganache or is that just me?
This three tiered circle cake is slathered in bittersweet ganache and beautiful blue fondant bands around each tier. The flowers on the top and the side just make the cake pop with color. I have to admit I love the placement of the flowers as well.. kudos to Hana and Posy in Philadelphia, Pa. Now that we have appropriately Read More
Here is where I died..and went to cupcake heaven

I know we haven’t known each other long, but I think you know by now Christen + cupcakes = love. Therefore it’s not uncommon that you’ll see blog post about my aforementioned love for cupcakes (and my love for words including the word “fore” apparently). I love them all..vanilla, chocolate, old school (vanilla cake & chocolate icing) and any other Read More