Cake Topper Friday: Egg and Bird Nest Cake Toppers

So, before I launch into my normal and characteristic rhapsody, a disclaimer: this picture has been repinned on Pinterest. A lot. And it would seem that the original link was to some spammy site, rather than the original source. But I simply had to show it to you. So if you know who is responsible for this darling genius of a cake, please speak up. Ok. Onto cake gushing.
So, the eggs and nest are cute enough here, right? New love, new life hatching and all that. But when you pull back and see the darling rustically-frosted cake, trimmed in raffia, which echoes the whole nest feel…well, I was just in love. I really think this would be absolutely darling for a country wedding, with a venue of wide open spaces or an old, lovely barn, or even the family farm.
One leetle issue I have, though — and maybe I’m alone here, but — I don’t want feathers anywhere NEAR my food. We’ve featured cake/feather combos before, like this Peacock Feather Wedding Cake. What do you think? Does the thought of bird down near your dessert freak you out too, or am I alone here?
Lose the feathers, and this one gets a hearty “squeeeee!” and thumbs up from me.
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