Flashback Friday – Prince William and Kate Middleton’s Wedding Cake

It’s time for another wedding cake flashback, and this time it’s all about the eight-tier “traditional English fruit cake” served at the wedding of Prince William to Kate Middleton. (I always feel like I should call her Princess Kate, not “Kate Middleton”…I mean, I’m sure she’s changed her last name by now, right?)
Anyway, the first thing I want to know about this cake is – what IS traditional English fruit cake? Is it anything like what we we call “fruitcake” over here in the states? I hope not. I can’t imagine something that frightening underneath all that lovely frosting and white sugar flowers.
This incredible cake featured hundreds of white sugar flowers, including roses, apple blossoms, bridal rose, and one flowers called Sweet William. Can we get a collective “aww”? And flowers representing the four “home nations” – English rose, Scottish thistle, Welsh daffodil, and Irish shamrock – were featured on the top of the cake. It took the cake’s creator Fiona Cairns nearly five weeks to create the royal wedding cake.
And this wasn’t the only cake at the reception – Prince William had a groom’s cake too that was created with 1,700 tea cookies and 37 pounds of chocolate. You can see more royal wedding cake photos here and a recipe for the groom’s cake here.
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