Lucky Horseshoe Wedding Cake for Friday the 13th

Today is your lucky day – even if it is Friday the 13th!
I discovered that there is a lot of old folklore on the interwebs about how getting married on Fridays can bring bad luck, but I say pish posh! Go ahead and get married on a Friday. And if you're feeling especially lucky, throw all caution to the wind and get married on a Friday the 13th! (In case you're wondering, there's still one more for this year – December 13, 2013).
Let's talk about the color scheme – I love the white icing and dark chocolate accents. A cake covered in chocolate horseshoes has to be full of luck, right? And the dark chocolate rose-like twists help make it a very stunning creation.
And if brown and white isn't what you want for a wedding cake, I bet you could do this cake in other bold colors and it would be just as stunning.
Friday the 13th doesn't have to be an unlucky day – and with this stunner of a cake holding enter court at your Friday the 13th reception, there is sure to be enough luck for everyone in the room.
For info on this cake and other good luck charms at your Friday (the 13th) wedding day, check out this page.