Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for March 11, 2012

Hi Y’all!
I may come off as a little braggy – and I really super don’t wish to mean to – but I’m heading to Epcot today! One of the perks of living here in Florida is (frequently) pretending you’re on vacation for a day by hanging out with real tourists and just blending right in. The only downside…you know the attitude that says “I’m on vacay. I can totally wear this ridiculous look because I will never see these people again.” Yeah. Not so much when you’re liable to run into people you actually know.
As I soak up the gorgeousness that is the International Flower and Garden Festival, I leave you with some delightful reading material. But first, let’s check out The News:
Friends in Europe will be happy to know that Littlewoods Europe has launched an online wedding boutique, which includes wedding finery for men, women, and children.
Comics Fans, take note: Marvel Comics is urging you to Save the Date June 2012 (really? The whole month, Guys?) for what may turn out to be Astonishing X-Men nuptials. Astonishing.
According to the Chicago Tribune, wedding trends for 2012 are about less Kim and more Kate, as old fashioned traditions make a comeback in a new fangled way.
From the This is Just Cool File: The Royal Shakespeare Company in Stratford-Upon-Avon is now fully licensed to hold weddings and civil partnerships.
And now, onto The Sweet and Pretty:
Rachel from Austin Wedding Blog gives us this invaluable checklist for changing your last name after marriage. (You may take one look at it and change your mind instead of your name.)
Kara Buntin of A Cake to Remember gives us thoughtful and practical advice on cake serving charts, and just how many people that cake is actually going to serve (hint: it depends on how big the folks at your venue cut it.)
The perfect wedding gift not to be found on a registry? We love these he/she wedding canvases by GeeZees, highlighted on Emmaline Bride.
Karina and David’s lovely Melbourne wedding had so many pretty touches. I love the vintage style, the bride’s short, sassy haircut, and the adorably pregnant bridesmaids in their stunning dresses. But not to be missed are the macaron towers – fashioned by the bride and groom! – and the beautiful white wedding cake. I feature the photo above. From Polka Dot Bride.
Mmmm…lavender lemonade! Now, doesn’t that sound divine for spring get togethers and summer soirees? Via Once Wed.
New spring styles! From Ann Taylor! Yesssss! (Thank you, Style Me Pretty.)
Hunger Games fan? Can’t wait? Then you’ll want to see this styled photo shoot – fabulous! From Wedding Chicks.
Have a Delicious Week!
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