White Wedding Cake with Ruching to Match the Bride’s Dress

So, I’m clearly inspired to keep the white wedding cake love going for a day or two longer…
Check out this incredible cake by the Intricate Icings. I was floored when I saw the artistry here…they have actually succeeded in making fondant behave like fabric! In this case, the bride sent in a picture of her dress as inspiration, and Rachael Teufel and her team were on it, creating this beautiful, double height, three tiered cake, draped perfectly in fondant, and garnished with a single, orange-red, sugar peony! But perhaps the most wonderful detail of all is the simplicity of the trim. See…the work is so meticulous and perfect that no one needed to cover up messy edges with lots of buttercream piping. The only finishing touches are tiny dots of frosting – at intervals! – at the base of the cake, and circling the very top of the cake.
White cake + peonies = perfection. Clearly.
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