Marble Chocolate and Mocha Wedding Cake

Chocolate and coffee – is there anything better than these two flavors? I think not.
Which is why I just had to feature this cake today – it's a marble chocolate and mocha cake with a marbleized fondant. It's such a pretty – and unique – cake that I couldn't resist sharing it with you!
The four-tiered cake features alternate layers of chocolate marble and mocha marble. And as good as chocolate and coffee are as separate flavors, you know when they're combined to make mocha it's that much better!
Each tier is covered in a pink marble fondant, which is a perfect color for a chocolate and mocha cake. I just love pink and brown together, don't you? And if the cake wasn't amazing enough, there is also a scalloped chocolate band around each layer embellished with grosgrain ribbon and bows.
This cake is sophisticated and gorgeous and is perfect for the chocolate and coffee loving couple.
We found this beauty at Martha Stewart Weddings.