Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for November 20, 2011

Happy Sunday, Everyone!
I hope this finds you happy, healthy, and counting your blessings, this Sunday before Thanksgiving. And whether you are going Over the River and Through the Woods, or gathering at a friend’s hip apartment with friends, my wish is that you find something to be truly grateful for this holiday season – love, laughter, plenty to eat, and so on and so forth.
But enough lecturing 😉 . We’ve found some lovely things around the interwebs this week, and we thought you’d like to see them, too. So without further ado, we’ll start with The News:
The HuffPo weighs in: are we seeing the sun set on the Vintage Wedding Craze? A few professionals certainly hope so.
While most of the world clamors after the fashions trends that the Duchess of Cambridge set with her wedding, here’s a heartwarming story. A little-known music composer is enjoying wild success, and he credits the Royal Couple for the upturn in fortune.
We got the first-ever glance of Beyonce’s super-secret wedding gown this week – over three years after her wedding to Jay-Z. What do you think? Stunner or Snoozer?
For Twilight fans, a run-down on the premiere of Breaking Dawn earlier this week, complete with Robert Pattinson’s feelings about the wedding scene.
And now for The Sweet and Pretty:
Unless you paid absolutely ZERO attention to us this week, you know Christen and I have been celebrating Ruffle Week 2011! I couldn’t think of a better way to cap off the festivities than by showing you this fab tutorial by the equally fab Kara Buntin of A Cake to Remember! And, as bonus, we’re featuring her lovely cake above.
What will 200 hands and 3,000 hours yield? Why, this stunning wedding dress, of course. From One Wed, pictures of George W’s niece, Lauren, and husband David Lauren (whose dad happens to be – yep – Ralph Lauren.)
We honey around here, and Emmaline Bride shows us lots of ways to use honey and honeybees in a handmade wedding.
This…just…resonated. Name change hysteria, by The Knotty Bride.
We love value for our clicking money…so this post by The Loveliest Day features a beautiful Pumpkin + Latte palette plus a luscious coffee cake recipe. Score!
From Wedding Bee…Favor Indecision. (Psst. The Groom is right. My advice? Make the favor edible or skip it.)
We seem to be 60/40 Thanksgiving-to-Weddings this week! So how about one more recipe that practices a little portion control? For your Thanksgiving feast, or as an adorable wedding cake alternative or edible favor (see above!) From Wedding Chicks, Mini Apple Pies. Yum!
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