Naked Cake Part Two: Bananas Foster Wedding Cake

A couple of weeks ago, I featured this naked wedding cake, and got (mostly) rave reviews! Y’all loved its rustic warmth and general yummy lookingness. Well, I couldn’t help but share this one with you, too. Because it’s kind of a mess, but I lurve it.
This bananas foster naked cake is obviously inspired by the flambe dessert that has been made famous in New Orleans. I love the perfectly controlled chaos here – layer upon layer of cake and bananas and yummy filling, heaped, but neatly heaped. All displayed on a lovely, vintage milkglass pedestal stand.
How darling would this cake be for a small, informal wedding? Very darling, I’d say. Or possibly an elopement…I can actually picture the bride and groom grabbing forks and digging right in.
What are your thoughts on this naked cake? Leave a comment below.
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