Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for April 15, 2012

Happy Tax Day, Y’all!
Well…technically, it’s not, since it’s, you know, a Sunday. And the government DOES still take weekends off. Still, I see that date on the calendar and that’s what I think of. Oh no! Wait! Whew. Okay. I already did that.
So, I’m sure we’d all rather talk about April showers, May flowers, etc, etc.
Really, I am so crazy excited for this upcoming wedding season! I think it’s going to be just gorgeous, with a new emphasis on elegance. What are your thoughts?
Well, while you collect them, let’s look around at what we found this week in the World of Wedding. But first, we’ll give you a one shop stop of all the Sweet that we featured over the last few days.
It’s been Cupcake Week here on A Wedding Cake Blog! On Monday, we featured a lovely frosting rendering of Brooke’s favorite flower, with these Hydrangea Cupcakes.
For Tuesday, we stuck with the flower and garden theme, and showed you some seriously adorable Cupcake Bouquets.
Wednesday, we featured a scrumptious – and huge! – Cupcake Cutting Cake, which crowned a beautiful cupcake tower.
We sighed and indulged our love for classic cameos on Thursday, with a Kelly Green and White Cameo Cupcake.
We found the ultimate Cake Topper Friday treat for you this week, with this Sparkly Diamond Solitare Red Velvet Cupcake. Oh. Yes.
Saturday finally brought a little something for the boys, with this fantastic Golf Green Cupcake Cluster. Fore!
And now for some Pretty from around the Interwebs:
We feature one more adorable cupcake duo above, honoring the bride and groom on their special day. Adorable, n’est pas?
Brides have more options than ever before for buying a dress that won’t break the bank.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are about to celebrate their first anniversary – can you believe it? And if you are too, here are some special gift ideas to mark the momentous first year in style.
La Dolce Idea talks about spring’s hottest nail colors!
Sheer eye candy, this: Alice in Wonderland-inspired millinery and other darling touches. From Love My Dress.
Yup…she thinks his tractor’s sexy: A beautiful, down-home, Georgia farm wedding. Y’all. From Emmeline Bride.
Wedding Chicks features beautiful options for brides to be who favor colored stones for their engagement rings.
That’s all for now! Have a Delicious Week!
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