Sage and White Square Box Wedding Cake

I’m in a unique state of mind this week, y’all.
This box-themed cake is incredible, don’t you think? I love everything about it. The meticulous execution of the theme (really. Would you know it was cake if I didn’t tell you?) The colors. The flawless – and I do mean FLAWLESS designs of argyle, hounds tooth, and stripes. The off-center stacking that is different than the way we usually see a wonky feature like that applied. And how about the top “box”, with the lid propped up, flowers spilling out? I love that the cake perfectly blends masculine (with the fabric motifs and bow tie and shirt front) with the more feminine floral touches. This is a masterpiece. And the stand! I love that stand. What a way to think of every detail, not leaving this amazing cake to a flat end on a generic, foil-covered cakeboard.
This cake is the work of the amazing Gateaux Inc (LOVE that name) in Minneapolis, Minnesota, whose beautiful Silver Pinecone Wedding Cake we featured late last year.
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