coffee mug cake
The Office Cake

I know it’s Cake Topper Friday but I had to post this particular cake in honor of last nights The Office premiere on NBC. The Office is my favorite show and I have been anticipating this premiere since May. What can I say, I have issues.
Even though he’s living in Boulder with Holly I am pretty sure that Michael Scott would approve of these gigantic “World’s Best Boss” coffee cup cake. Question. Where did Michael Scott buy his “World’s Best Boss” Mug? Answer. Spencer Gifts. I also love the calendar next to the mug. If you were a true Office-a-holic you can have this at your wedding and have the date be the date of your wedding. That’s all kinds of adorable. I’ve seen Harry Potter and Twilight themed weddings before..but never an Office themed wedding. Hm…anyone care to try this theme out for me and send me picture? Or, is the last thing you want to be reminded of on your wedding day be a day at the office? Perhaps I’ll just have to wait for my next wedding to figure this one out. Just kidding Dave.
What did you think of the premiere? Do you love or hate the James Spader addition to the cast? Personally, I love him. He’s all slick and creepy like. That’s what she said.
You know I had to do it.