Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for September 30, 2012

Hello, hello! How are you this very fine Sunday? I’m swell, and happy that it’s the weekend.
How is the weather in your neck of the woods? Cool and crisp? Well…lucky YOU. ‘Cause we are totally sweltering here in the southeast. It happens this way every year, but it’s always so tiring…watching everyone else’s mercury plummet while ours holds steady. But in just a few weeks, it will be the dry season…or what we call in Florida…bliss.
Isn’t this just the BEST time for weddings, though? Rich foods, rich colors, and that excitement that just Read More
For the Guys: Mets Groom’s Cake

Batter Up!
Now this is a groom’s cake that both he and she will love! Not because they’re both baseball fans (though that would be a cool reason, too.) I think this would be an “it pleases everybody” because he gets to represent his favorite team (he’s happy) and it’s just SO darn CUTE! (she’s happy.) See? Everyone Read More
Cake Topper Friday: Cinderella Cake Topper
Is your wedding your “happily ever after” moment? Then you should totally have this cake topper, n'est pas? Cinderella, in fine Lenox china. Fantastic.
We've actually featured a post with this topper here, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to share this beautiful close up with you – and a source where you can buy it for yourself! Not only would this lovely fine china figurine serve as a beautiful memento of your special day, but it's Read More
Mini Cheesecake Wedding Cupcakes

Aren’t these darling?
You know, you think you’ve seen one cupcake, and you’ve seen them all. Sher, the frosting colors change. But the basic set up doesn’t. You have cake, you have frosting, voila. Here’s your cupcake.
But how awesomely awesome is this? Cheesecake…instead of cupcakes. Cheesecake as cupcakes. And the precious little jam hearts baked right in make these uber perfect for any wedding – formal, casual, or anything in between.
Once again, it takes Read More
Pink Marbleized Wedding Cake

It happens.
As you can imagine, I spend a wee bit of time looking at wedding cakes. (Okay. A LOT of time.) And every once in a while, I find one, and save it, and “ooh” and “ahh” over it…but sorta kinda forget to, you know, note where it came from.
Enter this beautiful cake.
I love LOVE this marbleized technique. And whether it’s achieved with fondant or modeling chocolate, I think it’s just so cool. That’s obviously what I thought when I saw this one, except I must have gotten so excited that I didn’t credit it.
I can’t really make out some of the flowers, but I believe the smaller ones are dogwood blossoms, some of my springtime favorites. And the simple piped beading is a nice finish.
So please, feel free to let me know if you know who baked this lovely cake, because I just HAD to show it to you. But I certainly love to give credit where it’s due. I’d really enjoy seeing more of their work, or hearing the story behind this one.
Wedding Cake Alternatives: Non-Traditional Wedding Cake Options

I haven’t bumped into many people who say they don’t like cake. But apparently, they are out there. And in the past, People Who Don’t Like Cake would grin and bear their secret loathing (or their apathy…but that doesn’t sound very dramatic) when it came to their wedding. After all, you MUST have a ginormous wedding cake at your wedding, yes? A towering confection, an architectural wonder, made with more butter and eggs and sugar than you’ve eaten EVER?
Well, if you are among the People Who Don’t Like Cake, have I got news for you. Time to come out of the cake closet and rejoice in your new found freedom, because you don’t have to serve cake at your wedding. Well, not the big giant white white white kind, anyway. You can – gasp! – serve what you’d like.
In the past ten years or so, couples have begun to question Read More
Cinderella Castle Wedding Cake

You know we love us some Disney here at A Wedding Cake Blog. In fact, as I write this, I am entertaining a visit on Wednesday to Epcot and reliving a jaunt to Magic Kingdom last week! Sigh. I heart living in Florida.
But I didn’t come here today to make you green with envy. Oh no. I came to show you a FABULOUS cake.
DisneyRob tapped me on the shoulder a while back and asked me if I’d like to feature his cake on our blog? And I said, Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for September 23, 2012
Happy Fall, Y’all! No, really! This time, it really is fall! As of yesterday. And I’m so excited for all the fun stuff ahead, aren’t you?
It’s been a busy week around here, so I’m gonna get right to it with a round up of our own stuff. Enjoy!
On Monday, we asked the very important question, Read More
For the Guys: Pirate’s Chest Groom’s Cake

Oh, how I love chocolate. And how I love pirates (well. Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom, anyway.) So this cake is pretty dreamy, don't you think?
I love that it's a cake – and I'm gonna go ahead and assume chocolate – filled with – YES! – Read More
Cake Topper Friday – Edible Fall Leaves

I’m deviating just a teensy bit today. Rather than showing you something that goes on top of the cake, I’m showing you something that goes…on top…of…well, the cake. Lemme explain.
I love fall. And so do you. I don’t know ANYBODY who doesn’t. And I love it so much that I got married during fall. And what’s better than a Read More